Thursday, June 6, 2024

Life Skills for Teens Toolkit

 Book Cover

Life Skills for Teens Toolkit:

Proven Strategies to Budget Wisely, Save Without Stress, Build Healthy Relationships, and Plan a Successful Career with Confidence and Lasting Personal Growth

Being a teenager is challenging alone...yet, on top of everything, you must plan to be an adult & make crucial timely decisions about your adult life without any true tools. This book provides teenagers and young adults information & guidance on fundamentals like financial literacy, career planning & preparation, healthy relationship dynamics, & communication skills. And wait, there's more: emergency preparedness ,taxes, budgeting tools, savvy travel information, grocery planning, basics of care care & troubleshooting, and how to live sustainably to help ensure a thriving future. Everything you need, all here.
Excellent gift for graduation season!

Book Versions

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